Colombia: Conflicting political forces control the electoral campaign

With only 25 days left before the legislative elections and the internal consultations of the coalitions to choose their presidential candidate, the rival political forces in Colombia are intensifying their electoral campaign today.

In districts, streets, squares, media, social networks, and various places, congressional and presidential candidates in Colombia frequently appear seeking to win more voters.

According to the register, 38 million 819 thousand 901 Colombians are eligible to participate in the legislative elections on March 13, in which 293 members of Congress, 107 senators and 187 deputies will be elected.

Of the total number of registered voters, 52 percent are women and 48 percent are men.

The National Electoral Council has provided for this electoral process 12,512 polling stations and 112,000 nine tables, and for the 16 peace districts covering 167 municipalities from 19 constituencies, 1966 sites will be enabled with four 525 polling tables.

For this vote, by which the bicameral Congress will be renewed, the registry appointed 727,823 voting jurors, through a lottery.

Primary candidate Gustavo Petro leads voting intentions in Colombia

The first chosen were citizens nominated by political parties, then university students and finally public officials including teachers.

On that day, the Historic Compact Alliances, Center for Hope coalition and Team for Colombia, each with five former candidates, will choose their presidential candidate for the upcoming May 29 elections.

The Historic Pact, a pluralistic coalition, made up of left-wing political parties, Indigenous peoples, peasants, black organizations, artists, academics, the LGTBI community, and the most diverse social sectors, heads the intent to vote with a view to the upcoming elections as per entire polls. As for the internal consultancy of this electoral political force, the majority of those surveyed are inclined to its leader Gustavo Petro. (Latin press)

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