Christopher Columbus ships arrive at the shores of present-day Nicaragua, baptizing Cabo Gracias Dios out of a storm – Radio Reloch, Cuban radio station for time and news

Christopher Columbus baptized Capo Gracias a Deus on September 12, 1502


September 12, 2022

Christopher Columbus’ ships arrive at the shores of present-day Nicaragua, to thank God Cape for getting out of a storm

Christopher Columbus baptized Capo Gracias a Deus on September 12, 1502, after emerging from a storm

Havana, Cuba. – The Cape Thank God It is a cape that forms Central America on the Caribbean coast, between Honduras and Nicaragua, at the mouth of the Coco River, which forms the boundary between both countries, so that in the north is the territory of Honduras and to the south of the territory of Nicaragua, and therefore Cape Gracias a Dios is under the sovereignty of Nicaragua.

It is named after Christopher Columbus, the first European to visit it, and September 12 1502, because it served as a shelter from the storm (this is hurricane season in the North Atlantic). According to tradition, Columbus said the phrase: “Thank God we are finally out of those depths,” because the four caravans were shaken by a hurricane for two weeks and when it doubled they said the storm had subsided, so they thanked God for it. Coming out of disaster alive, as told by Fernando Colon, son of the admiral. The area was christened before their ships returned across the cape as Honduras.

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