Cepal presents a comprehensive plan for Central America under Celac

Mexico-. Today, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Alicia Barcena, presented the Comprehensive Development Plan for Central America and Southern Mexico.

In a parallel celebration of the sixth CELAC summit, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the official stated that the initiative includes 114 measures to reduce poverty, inequality, unemployment, migration, food security, climate change and security at a cost. $40 billion in five years.

What we address are the most important causes of poverty and migration such as insufficient growth, income inequality, risks of climate change with crop losses due to hurricanes and droughts, as well as family reunification, as the region has failed to absorb. He said.

He explained that women are the most suffering from unemployment rates in Central American countries, which is why he called for focusing on solving this problem, in addition to the fact that food security has been exacerbated by the ongoing drought caused by the change. From the system in the rain.

The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean considered that today there is a detailed diagnosis, a short and medium-term plan, an implementation strategy and a financing proposal, although she said that Mexico should buy more from Central America.

Barcena commented that the proposal is to create a development zone where mobility is an option rather than an obligation, while the plan should help link social cohesion with growth, since there is very little trade within the zone, because, for example, coffee has to come from those countries and it is not As well.

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More disclosure and more details about the project, which has been underway since 2018 and has been halted, among other reasons, due to the failure of the government of former President Donald Trump to help fund it with $5 billion, while his successor Joe Biden also hasn’t shelled out a penny yet.

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