Carnivorous cockroach extinct since 1930 rediscovered in Australia

In a discovery Which surprised the scientific community, Committee of experts In biological sciences from the University of Sydney found on a remote beach in Australiaknown as the North Bay, is a species of cockroach that was once thought to be Extinct since 1930.

This insect is called carnivorous cockroachIt is particularly characterized by the absence of wings and its size, which ranges between 22 and 40 mm long.

The carnivorous cockroach, whose name conjures up images of a dangerous predatorthey do not actually feed on live animals. Their main diet consists of wood, Which can be consumed within days, which distinguishes it from the most common types of cockroaches that usually live in homes, which are Health Discomfort And food security.

This insect is a great example of the diversity of cockroaches, of which there are more than 4000 species All over the world.

The rediscovery of this cockroach is a reminder that despite scientific advances, nature And it still holds many secrets. The theory of evolution Charles Darwin, Which has been fundamental to understanding the diversity of life on Earth, finds in this kind of results a continuing confirmation of Ability to adapt and evolve Species over time.

Carnivorous cockroach discovered in North Gulf It also highlights the importance of maintaining Natural ecosystems And continue biological research, as these ancient insects can offer. Valuable information About our planet’s past and how it has changed over time. Millions of years.

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(With information from Terra)

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