BT shows the way to other “connections” and won’t go to MWC

British Telecom (BT) will not attend and will not send any representatives to Barcelona. However, the British company maintains its video conferencing calendar.

This is the first Telecommunications Who gives up attending a technology fair that will be held at the end of June and early July in the Catalan capital. As these media made it clear on Friday itself, a discussion was opened within the employers in the sector to delay the MWC to October.

At the moment, the organization maintains the date and in no way wants to suspend the event for the second year in a row. Additionally, there are other Spanish companies that welcome to celebrate the exhibition.

At the moment, there aren’t any of the major operators doing business in Spain like Telefónica, Orange, or Vodafone They took this step and didn’t bid farewell to MWC

The major UK telecom company made the decision after several tech companies such as Facebook, Sony or Ericsson announced that they would not be attending the event this summer.

“After careful consideration, BT decided that we will play an active role in the hypothetical elements of GSMA Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2021But we will not be sending delegates to the event in person this year, ”a company spokesperson said in the portal Lightning reading.

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