Borek’s victory ranks as central to Latin America

The President of the Argentine Parliament’s Observatory for Democracy (ParlaSur) Oscar Laborde today described the recent presidential victory of the Chilean youth, Gabriel Borek, as fundamental to Latin America.

In an interview with journalist Hector Bernardo of Contexto magazine, Laborde stressed that Borek’s victory is great news for Chile, Argentina, Latin America and “for all of us who dream and strive for the region to become a pole in this multipolar world”.

The President of the Observatory for Democracy in Paralasor was an observer of the electoral process in Chile.

He stressed in this regard that it was developed in a transparent manner, although – as he said – there have been some trials, an attempt by the forces of (presidential candidate Jose Antonio) Caste to seek to obscure the process.

They said that if there is a difference of less than 50,000 votes, they will ask for a recount of the votes one by one. He noted that the great difference there discouraged any such temptation.

On the other hand, Laborde noted that after what happened in electoral processes in Honduras and earlier in Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru, what happened in Chile confirms a trend and shows a search for the peoples fighting.

He said that this electoral result and the Constituent Assembly that is working has to do with the struggle of the Chilean people as well as the return of the movement to socialism to the government of Bolivia, he said.

He added that all this indicates a tendency to be added to the possibility of the election of Luis Inacio Lula da Silva as President of Brazil.

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Read also ⇒Gabriel Borek is the elected president of Chile

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