Bolivia reiterates its desire to take a census in 2022 – Prensa Latina

He explained that the idea, as we indicated, includes its implementation next year, as well as defining the logic of dialogue and discussion and generating points of convergence and consensus on this topic.

The state formalized the last census of population and housing on November 21, 2012, and among the results, the population increased to 10 million 59,856, with higher densities in La Paz and Santa Cruz counties.

We are on the deadlines set for organizing and developing this census activity, since the previous census took place 11 years later, Richter said.

The National Institute of Statistics has reported in recent days that it is impossible to do this work before 2024, due to technical, financial and logistical conditions, and in part caused by the current Covid-19 pandemic and the high instability of its executives.

Sectors of civil society later claimed that this involved delaying the reallocation of resources to regional governments and reconfiguring seat allocation for legislative representatives, among other consequences.

Through a statement posted on the episcopal conference’s website, they indicated that the scenario requires urgent and timely responses in relation to health, education, employment, housing, environmental policies, equitable redistribution of public resources and the correct distribution of democratic representation.

Analysts expected the delay in the census in particular to hurt the elected mayors of the most populous municipalities, while in their administration they would only have the sums allocated to the number of registered residents in 2012.

Bolivia will have a population of 12.5 million in 2025, with more than 70 percent concentrated in Santa Cruz (3.6 million), La Paz (3.1 million) and Cochabamba (2.2 million), and within them, in more than a dozen cities, according to it British newspaper The Guardian. Official expectations.

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