Astronomer Teresa Baneke offers her own version of popular science

Astronomy graduate and master’s degree, Theresa Baneke (23 years old), has launched her first book, “The Universe According to Carlotta”, a short novel that chronicles the educational adventure of a teenage girl who, after thinking science is boring, realizes that after all, the field is more exciting than she ever imagined.

post the story, Who caused a stir on social networks, is part of another step she’s taken in her short, but no less powerful career as a celebrity scientist.

Baneki’s own life was a direct inspiration for her to set out to recount the experiences of her fictional hero, who, thanks to the support of her friends and her visit to the museum, realized that Meteorites, stars and planets And the orbs are really cool.

“Carlota Jimenez is the name of a character that my father invented for me when I was young. In this sense, It is a tribute to my family. “We used to play and create different stories under the name of this character,” said Banneke, who is studying for a doctorate in Germany.

In some ways , The novel serves as a mirror of his experiences: He said, “I wanted to show everything that was important to me on my way through science: teachers, friends, friends and family. After those points were clear, the story line came naturally.”

“Science is interesting because it has answers to different questions and you work as a team to come up with the answersThis is what Carlotta discovers and it is one of the messages I love in the book,” via this young astronomer.

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Teresa Baneque became known on social networks on the day of the eclipse, when she decided to open her Instagram account – @terepaneque – and Tik tok. Since then, on the last podium The world has gathered more than 300,000 followers.

“I want boys and girls to ask themselves questions, to look around and want to find those answers, just as Carlotta does. And it’s true that they think they don’t like science as a school subject, but cWith this book, I hope you realize that science is just asking questions. and searching for answers in a systematic way.”

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