Articles in companies for the week of September 8-14

Brazil will resume its path of progress, led by Lula (VIII)

The traditional left and the current progressive movement in Brazil. Latin American integration.

Joseph R. Gold

In a few days, a critical test of the progressive and leftist movement in Brazil will come, not only for them, but also for all the people of that enormous and powerful country.

Chili pepper. What happens now that he won the rejection?

Ollantay Itzamna

Last Sunday, September 4, more than 13 million Chileans (of the 15 million delegated) went to the polls to “accept” or “disapprove” the constitutional text (388 articles, 57 transitional clauses) drafted by 155 articles. traditional. voters.

voracious birds of prey

Multinational corporations impose their laws on Latin America

Billions of dollars in losses to the states

Sergio Ferrari

Multinational corporations give no relief to Latin America and the Caribbean. And when certain nations dare to question them, the rule of international law—developed according to their measure—falls with them.

Peru and the Andean Peak

Gustavo Espinosa M.

On Monday, August 29, an important regional event took place in Lima that went unnoticed by a large number of Peruvians. Andean countries’ 22nd presidential summit has been hidden by “Prensa Grande”, who has chosen to dedicate its front pages to the 30-month prison sentence imposed by Judge Gómez against Yennifer Paredes, or to moves inconsistent parliamentary representation bent on accountability and censorship of the housing minister as part of their ritual. Later the head of the interior will come.

Unipolar or multipolar world

“Why don’t you shut up?”

See also  "I can't live without her," says the mother of the young Cuban who was murdered in Miami two years after the crime.

King Juan Carlos I addresses Hugo Chavez

The West has taken its position by stealing from other peoples.

Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Marcelo Colossi

The socialist ideology that spanned the entire twentieth century and resulted in some triumphant revolutionary processes—the first in history: Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Nicaragua—looks today (or, at any rate, they want to make it look) outdated, unworkable, doomed to the museum.

Divine Marquis Soup

Victor Ego Ducruet

After the pleasures of lust, there is nothing better than eating, as someone said at the time of the Guillotine Revolution. And this week your servant, who knows me as El Pejerrey Empedernido, attacks with the sublime fever of broth in plates.


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