Aislinn Derbez points out that diseases are treated through emotions; On the networks they accuse her of misleading

Aislinn and Nirdosh Kohra on the podcast
Aislinn and Nirdosh Kohra on the Chaos Magic podcast, where they talk about the roots of diseases. Image source: Aislinn Derbez, YouTube.

Aislinn Derbez It established itself as one of the major trends on X after the latest episode of the podcast Chaos magicWhere he talked to the doctor Nirdosh Kohrapromoter Okay, I want toa stream of alternative medicine that empowers people through five biological laws Tools so they can learn to heal from the rootsAccording to the information on their website.

The episode is part of the podcast's fourth season and was titled “The roots of diseases and how to stop them”. Although it premiered on January 16, the conversation became a trend on social media after influencers and doctors shared parts of the conversation between the actress and her guest.

In X, the subject gained insight after the famous account She's a fugitive He shared a video merging the key statements made by Nirdosh Kohra and those of the actress. “You look like you're sick, but you're not really sick. It's all mental. At. Another Derbaz.”The satirical message accompanied the publication of the audiovisual clip.

Who was more sarcastic and decisive? Mr. Doctora popular health content creator on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, has created a video questioning the principles of body medicine and He wonders about the high costs of his courses To learn how to heal on his own which amounts to 30 thousand pesos.

The actress became a trending topic on X due to a conversation with doctor Nirdosh Kohra. Image source: Aislinn Derbez, YouTube.

According to the foundations of Bodhi medicine, diseases are the product of imbalance resulting from poorly directed emotions, which is why “The body can heal itself from anything.” Nirdosh Kohra says it follows five biological laws.

“80% of diseases are not diseases, they are healing processes. Medicine, almost always, when it treats someone with cancer, attacks the tumor and removes it, does not treat the root.he maintains.

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The principle raised by Nirdosh Kohra has been supported by Aislinn Derbez, who has participated in workshops with the specialist in the past. According to the actress, these courses have given her the tools for a healthier life: “I have already stopped many diseases in the past six months, applying everything I mentioned.”.

Despite his previous statements, Nirdosh Kohra emphasizes that bodhi medicine is a holistic method that also includes “various streams of alternative medicine, meditation and what is really useful in conventional medicine”:

“We are not saying that all diseases are emotions, no. What causes imbalance in my body, mind and mind are very special situations that we have all experienced in life. “Don't believe me, don't believe us, watch it.”

The interview sparked controversy at X, with Aislinn Derbez accused of promoting misinformation. “How dangerous it is that these people talk nonsense and want to replace doctors who study and prepare for years to save lives.” “It is dangerous for people to think that they can, using “energies,” treat diseases for which there is a complete health science.” “The optimal treatment.”

Even journalist Pedro Ferrez Hajjar joined the controversy and joked on the subject: “I think many will die because of following your advice.”

Users criticized Aislinn Derbez and Nirdosh Kohra.  Credit: S
Users criticized Aislinn Derbez and Nirdosh Kohra. Credit: S

Nirdosh Kohra He is a surgeon who graduated from the University of Anahuac. He was born in Mexico City and has been associated with various projects. According to the Bodhi Medicine website, he is the founder of this project and Conscious Medicine, and co-founder of the Path of Meditation website.

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Regarding the origin of his alternative medicine, Kohra sums it up in a combination of studies and experiences acquired over several years: “I made a lifelong journey around the world to find a way to unite Western and Eastern medicine. I have personally experienced and trained in different healing and transformation methodologies in India, Europe, the United States and Mexico which allowed me to create the Bodhi Medicine Institute.

In parallel with acting, Aislinn Derbez ventures into the role of a digital influencer and creator through her podcast
In parallel to acting, Aislinn Derbez ventures into the role of a digital influencer and creator through her podcast “The Magic of Chaos”. Photo: Instagram/@aislinnderbez

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