A young Spanish woman is expelled from the UK after returning from Christmas break

Since 31 January 2020, it has been necessary to show your passport to enter the UK due to… Britain's exit from the European UnionWhich makes traveling to this country a little more complicated than any other country in the European Union.

Furthermore, we must add to this that foreigners living and working in the UK also have to prove their identity Residence permit To access it after they return from their homes. In this particular step, a young Spanish woman faced problems and was even expelled from the country.

the middle 20 minutes He collects news from the British newspaper guardian They tell what happened to a young Spanish woman who returned on December 26 to the United Kingdom, where she lives and works, after spending the Christmas holidays in Malaga province.

“I came home because my sister had a baby, and four days later, V.I Luton Airport They took me to the detention room, took my things and my phone and asked me to wait there. “They left me there all night and then put me on a plane,” says the young woman, also explaining that she provided all the documents proving that she works and lives in the UK.

The young woman lived with her husband and in-laws in Bedfordshire She was redirecting her career toward veterinary nursing. However, after being expelled from the UK, she cannot return and her dog and car are still there.

Moreover, at the time he applied for UK Settlement Programme (A document that European citizens who have resided there since before Brexit must fill out), but they rejected this application for not providing sufficient evidence.

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The young woman appealed this application for an administrative review and had a certificate explicitly indicating that she could work in the UK until the decision was final.

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