A new ‘wild’ view of the Conic Nebula

Madrid, November 11 (European press) –

A stunning new image of a star factory, the Conical Nebula, taken with the Very Large Telescope (VLT), Celebrating 60 years of ESO (European Southern Observatory).

In the middle you see The seven-light-year column that forms this nebula, It is part of the star-forming region NGC 2264 and was discovered in the late 18th century by astronomer William Herschel. In the sky, this horn-shaped nebula is located in the constellation Monoceros (Rhinoceros), which is a surprisingly apt name.

Located less than 2,500 light-years away, this Conical Nebula is relatively close to Earth, making it a well-studied object. “But this view is more exciting than any previous one, showing the mysterious and impenetrable appearance of the nebula in a way Reminds us of a mythical or savage creature‘, as explained by ESO It is a statement.

The Conical Nebula is a great example of the pillar-like structures that develop in giant clouds of cold molecular gas and dust known to form new stars. This type of plume is created when stellar winds blow from newly formed bright blue stars. And the intense ultraviolet rays that expel materials from their vicinity.

As this material moves away, gas and dust is compressed away from young stars into long, dense, dark, pillar-like structures. This process helps create the Dark Cone Nebula. Pointing away from the bright stars of NGC 2264.

In this image, acquired with a FOcal Reducer and Spectrograph 2 (FOcal Reducer and Low Dispersion Spectrograph 2) installed on ESO’s VLT in Chile, hydrogen gas is shown in blue and sulfur gas in red. Using these filters makes bright blue stars, which indicate recent star formation, look almost golden, Standing against the dark cone like torches.

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On October 5, 1962, five countries signed an agreement to establish ESO. Now, six decades later and with the support of 16 member countries and a strategic partner, ESO brings together scientific and engineering personnel from around the world to develop and operate advanced ground-based observatories in Chile for ground-breaking astronomical discoveries.

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