A common front for doctors

Spanish health care suffers from a “drought” of professionals. The private sector estimates that by 2027 An additional 9,000 doctors will be needed annually in the national health system (SNS). Aware of this problem, it proposes a series of measures that it believes will improve the situation, such as reducing incompatibility requirements for work in the public and private sectors. This is something that has already been put on the political table.

But before taking any concrete action, the essential thing is to know first-hand what is needed. For this reason from the Spanish Private Health Alliance (ASPE“I suggest that first and foremost.”Better planning of human resource needs In the medium and long term, drawing on the public sphere as well as the private sphere.

“We ask that, in order to find appropriate solutions, private healthcare be taken into account within the needs of social network services professionals. We propose to continue delving into this matter.” In cooperation with the Ministry of Health and autonomous regions“This is what the employers’ association he heads insisted on Carlos Ross.

Regarding concrete measures to fill the shortage in health personnel, Gradual reduction of mismatch Practicing public and private health professionals, “adapting regulations to current realities to avoid interpretive differences in autonomous communities.” accurately, Asturias was the last society to take steps in this regard. Asturians who combine the two sectors are subject to an economic “penalty”. Which is approximately a thousand euros every month. Now, Health Minister Concepcion Saavedra has made it clear that she will meet with unions to reduce this pay cut, although she warned that it will not go away.

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Greater flexibility in approval processes

This is not the only measurement of this formula. To ensure the availability of the most sought-after professionals, ASPE requires advance operations Medical re-specialization, So that no doctor has to do MIR again, but simply complete the remaining training in a shorter period of time and also with competency assessment.

“The accumulated experience and continuous training are a guarantee that the professionals trained in Spain have the highest qualifications and this provides the system An opportunity to capitalize on those strengths With the aim of making it easier for professionals to become specialists in various fields,” the private sector advocated.

There is also a demand for further simplification Matching and equivalency processes for university degrees From different countries.

The shortage of professionals does not only affect doctors. Nursing human resources are also at low hours. To alleviate this problem, ASPE suggests strengthening the role of employees “to fully implement their competencies and professional development.” To this end, employers consider it important to strengthen and expand employee training. Auxiliary nursing care technicians become Superior degreeWith “a more complete program and more training hours.”

Disability data

Carlos Ros has recently warned about the needs of health workers. He did this at the meeting “Sustainable Health System: Analysis and Proposals for Optimum Management of Health Workers to Ensure Patient Safety” of the Spanish Association of Health Managers (Sidesa). In this hadith he mentioned that The average age of a Spanish doctor is 50 yearsWhich will be a problem in 15 years, when nearly half of the professionals have retired, he argued.

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The specialty that will suffer most from these retirements is: Orthopedics and trauma surgery, Which will lose 284 doctors in the next five years. This is followed by obstetrics and gynecology, anesthesia and resuscitation.

Regarding nursing, Ross emphasized that 95 percent of private hospitals have a moderate to high need for these professionals.

Although it may contain statements, statements or observations from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader consult any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.

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