83% of Mexican companies ready to recover in 2021: American Express

It’s a survey of more than 3,600 companies in Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Together, the director explains, these countries account for about two-fifths of global economic production. Among these data, it was noted that economies have already revitalized, companies are starting to invest in areas that allow them to enter the digital age fully, as well as conquer new consumer markets.

Chief among them is the fact that Mexico is up to 83% optimistic about economic reactivation in the next 12 months, according to an American Express study. Salem Bitar adds that most of these expenses come in the category of technology and all its derivatives, seeking to adapt the company to its immersion in the digital age, as well as to serve consumers through new channels.

Bitar explained that participating Mexican companies said that they have generally increased spending among companies in nearly all categories since the beginning of the year, with the highest growth rates in taxes and licenses, followed by raw or manufactured materials. He added that in Mexico, corporate spending on materials such as wood, metals and chemical products increased by an average of 4.9% in the second quarter of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020.

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