Israeli businessmen repeat their criticism of judicial reform

According to the source, a group of businessmen met with Ministers of Justice Yariv Levin and…

Bolsonaro in Brazil is prohibited from wearing or selling the controversial jewellery

The authority notes that “with regard to the process related to the indications of violations affecting…

Alert about a possible volcanic eruption in Alaska, USA

WASHINGTON, March 9 (Prensa Latina) Scientists from the Alaska Volcano Observatory in the United States warned…

Day of resistance in Israel against judicial reform

Students, teachers, doctors, judges, veterans, workers in agriculture and technology companies, among other sectors, marched in…

The Félix Varela Medal is awarded to Cuban intellectual Luisa Campuzano • Workers

Cuba’s Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso, today imposed the Order of Félix Varela, First Class, on…

Approval of Chile’s president rose 12 points, according to a survey

The Data Influye poll showed that support for the executive branch increased compared to the previous…

Moody’s warns Israel of economic problems due to reform

“If fully implemented, the proposed changes could materially weaken the judiciary’s power, and thus be negative…

They confirm deaths and search for the missing pilots after a plane crash in a Florida lake

at least 1 person died An inaccurate number was found Missing after Two planes crash Its…

The defense sector immersed itself in the campaigns of members of the US Congress

According to the source, more than five million and 800 thousand dollars have been allocated to…

The Coffee Festival in Vietnam expects about 50,000 visitors

The Coffee Festival, which will be held from March 10 to 14 in the Vietnamese capital…