They laid the first stone of the UAE Medical Laboratory – NEWSHIDALGO

Tolancingo de Bravo, July 23 HIDALGO NEWS/.- In front of students, researchers and administrative staff, University President Adolfo Pontigo Loyola, together with Governor of Hidalgo, Omar Fayyad Meneses, and Minister of Public Education of Mexico, Delfina Gómez lvarez, laid the first stone of the medical laboratory in the university city of Tolancingo of the Autonomous State University of Hidalgo (UAEH) .

At the event, University President Adolfo Pontigo Loyola noted that investing in public education translates into the development of the region and the country, because it is the students who will be at the forefront of the nation’s destiny. In light of this, the Rector stressed that Hidalgo State Autonomous University is a treasure for all Hidalgo residents without discrimination.

He stressed that public universities are the best example of social justice, because young people in them can begin to realize their dreams. He stated that the UAE ranks among the best in the world, according to the most important global rankings in the world: The Times Higher Education (THE) places it 1201+ and QS in the top 801-1000.

He took the opportunity to thank the Minister of Public Education, Delfina Gómez, for her attendance, who witnessed the first stone laying of the Medicine Laboratory in the University City of Tolancingo, a complex designed to decentralize the university and also house the high school, undergraduate and graduate school.

Federal Minister of Public Education, Delfina Gómez, stressed that young people are the engine, both in public education institutions, as well as officials and workers in this field, for continuous improvement in terms of infrastructure and academic plans that allow them to implement true social justice for the entire country, through the training of professionals who help transform Mexico.

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In turn, he stressed that the vision of the federal government is to coordinate with state and municipal governments and institutions to invest financial resources in educational projects that benefit Mexicans, and affect those who need it most, such as those that will be built in the United Arab Emirates from this day.

He noted that “all of these efforts are aimed at creating an image of a human being who has a thorough education, but who also has values ​​and compassion, which can help us and what has allowed us to survive as human beings.” During his participation in laying the first stone of the Medicine Laboratory of Ciudad Universitaria Tulancingo.

For his part, the Governor of Hidalgo, Omar Fayad Mencis, reported that the medicine lab project in the University City of Tulancingo consists of building six computer rooms, group work labs, and video conference rooms, among other important spaces. It will benefit about 1,750 people in the Garza community.

“This installation will enhance the offer of services for the maximum state studies. In particular, it will strengthen the presence of the Autonomous University of Hidalgo in the Tolancingo region, which is part of the regional poles of education development in the state of Hidalgo”, noted the state president, who added that in this way the competitiveness and economic growth .

In the same way, take the opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the Autonomous University of Hidalgo not only to provide quality education, but also to invest in educational infrastructure, as this undoubtedly improves service delivery for the benefit of the population. In addition, he pointed out that these elements combined allow this university to be one of the best universities in Latin America, so that the achievements of the United Arab Emirates would be a source of pride for the population in general, and not just for the university community. .

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Meanwhile, the Director-General of the National Institute of Physical Infrastructure for Education (INIFED), Cesar Adrián Basilio Ortiz, announced that the Hidalgo government will implement the Laboratory of Medicine in a period of 270 calendar days with the resources of the enhanced federal fund.

Lydia Garcia Anaya, Chair of the University’s Board of Trustees, also attended the first stone laying of the Medicine Laboratory at the University City in Tolancingo. Carmen Indina Rodriguez Armenta, Director General of Higher and Cultural Education; Hernando Peniche Montfort, General Coordinator, Educational Association; Abraham Mendoza Zentino, Hidalgo delegate for sponsorship programs; So is Atilano Rodriguez Perez, Hidalgo’s Minister of Public Education (SEPH).

Similarly, Jesús López Serrano, head of the entity’s educational liaison office, was also present; Juan Benito Ramirez Romero, Under-Secretary of Secondary and Higher Education at SEPH; Jorge Hernández Araus, President of the State Congress, among others.

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