Social work trainees in medicine have completed the social work phase in Valle de Santiago – Dependencies Bulletins

Santiago Valley, Guanajuato February 2, 2024.- The Guanajuato Secretariat of Health has finished a generation of…

The Age&Life Foundation launches a 360-degree assessment of well-being and dependency project

In recent years, the scientific and professional community has devoted significant efforts to researching it Variables…

Science explains why exercise is the best medicine for anxiety

he Physical exercise It is the lubricant between body and mind. Whether it's going for a…

Collagen loss: 6 habits to prevent it, according to cosmetic medicine experts

Collagen loss: when does it happen? For data provided by the doctor Paolo Facchini Flemingfrom the…

New Belgian animal welfare label – News

According to Flemish Animal Welfare Minister Ben Wiets, the new animal welfare label “Better for Animals”…

Alfa Planetarium toys are installed at the UANL Science Museum

I wrote in local he 01/31/2024 6:36 PM Monterey.- The interactive games of the Alpha Planetarium…

Anahuac Puebla College of Health Sciences leads research in scientific advances in the field of multiple sclerosis

Contributing knowledge to discovery and innovation to build a healthier future, especially in the treatment of…

Does increasing medical places mean improving the shortage of specialists?

Currently, there is a shortage of doctors, from many specialties, to fill vacant positions. This is…

Mayan Journey | International | European press

International > Science European press 01/30/2024 | Merida Yucatan Hermit crabs have begun using plastic found…

They will begin the deployment of the new University of Security Sciences and Specializations in Quintana Roo

They will begin the deployment of the new University of Security Sciences and Specializations in Quintana…