United Kingdom | Very rare for identical triplets born in England “case of 1 in 200 million” | Globalism

Gina Dudney and her husband, Craig, were shocked when doctors at Liverpool Women’s Hospital told them that their naturally identical triplets were a rarity.

This condition is extremely rare because most triplets are delivered through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

But in addition to this, babies share the same placenta, which is also extremely rare.

Jamie, Jensen and Jackson are now celebrating their first birthday.

“They’ve already been through a lot in their young lives so it will be a huge celebration for them and for us too,” Gina Dudney told the BBC.

“Being a mother is the best job I’ve ever had. It is undoubtedly the most difficult work, But now I love him despite the lack of sleep and hospital visits.”

“It’s tough, but I really like it.”

The mother says she had a “hunch” at first that she would be having twins.

This was confirmed by examination at 13 weeks. but after that , The couple saw a third head appear on the screen.

After 20 minutes of checking, Craig said ‘Is this a third head? “It was silent,” says Gina.

“The specialist said that in their 25 years of examination they had never seen triplets, and that all three shared a placenta, which is extremely rare.”

“I was just thinking ‘How are you going to get them to work?'” says Father Craig, 35. “And I also thought there would be a lot of nappies.”

The triplets were delivered prematurely by caesarean section within minutes of each other. They spent six weeks in the hospital before returning home.

Gina, 34, explained that there are 30 doctors in the delivery room because every baby should have a neonatal team.

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pregnancy deemed “high risk” Because when babies share the same placenta, they are more likely to have problems because the mother’s nutrients and food have to be divided into three parts.

planned routine

The couple says they have now established a carefully planned routine.

“If they’re out of sync, even if they’re 20 minutes apart, you put one to sleep and then the other wakes up and then one can wake the baby who just slept,” says Craig Dewdney.

“Eating time is fun. I’ll clean up while Jenna feeds them, or if Jenna feeds two spoonfuls of them, I’ll feed the other one. It’s about learning how to work with them.”

The couple shares their daily routine with 20,000 followers on Instagram.

The couple created the Cheshire Triplets Instagram page to share their daily routine, which has nearly 20,000 followers.

“There is a huge interest from people all over the world who are having triplets or twins,” says Gina Dudney.

“They just want to know the hacks in life, how things are done, how I deal with three, so what came out of this was a really positive thing.”

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